Product Recap: Summer '23

Product Recap: Summer '23

Last update: Friday, Dec 08, 2023

How to find keywords in documents

Go to Documents > Filters > Full Text search:

You can filter on any (part of a) word to get a selection of all documents that include that word somewhere in the document:

New and improved signing flow

Sending documents to sign digitally via Contractify has never been easier.

Click here to find out how!

Add relations by VAT number

You can add relations in two ways:

  • Via 'Relations', which can be found in the menu on the left side of your Contractify environment > + new relation

  • Via contracts > select a contract > relations > + new relations

You can now add relations by just the VAT number. This means that when filling out the VAT number, you’ll see “look up address information” appear. Click on this button and other fields will be filled out automatically.

Two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a specific type of multi-factor authentication (MFA) that strengthens access security by requiring two methods to verify your identity. 2FA can now be used to strengthen the security of your Contractify environment.

You can configure 2FA very easily in your personal settings where you can also change your default language, your password, ...

  • Find how to set it up here!

E-signing update!

We are very happy to share our latest update of the e-signing module with you!

  1. Quick Signing: Form now on, when a person has to sign the same document multiple times, they will be able to do so in one step. Meaning they will only receive one email with a signing request and they will have to go through the signing process only once even if their signature is requested more than once for the same document.

    Find out about it more in the following article!

  2. Preparing a document for signature: The process of preparing a document for signature and sending it out has been made easier by including all steps in the same window. Placing signatures in the right position has also been made easier as you'll be able to drag and drop them from the side panel instead of finding them all on the last page of the document.

    Find out more about it in the following article!

Registering contracts with an end date in the past

Registering contracts with an end date in the past has just become that much easier with Contractify!

Watch the video below to see what changed:

Manage document types

With this feature the document type can be determined very easily. You can choose from an extensive list of document types such as addendum, NDA, contract proposal, permit... that have been created by Contractify, but you can also create your own document types according to the needs of your company.

The different document types can be found in the "Settings" section. Here you can consult the complete list and rename the types if you wish or create new ones.

Editing an existing document type:

Creating a new document type

To create a new document type, click on '+ New' in the upper right corner of the page.

Then just type in the name of the new document type and click 'Save'.

The document type can be set when registering a document under the heading "Overview". This ensures that all documents are classified logically. This also allows for easier consultation of documents.

Design update

Since Contractify celebrated its fifth anniversary earlier this year, the time has come for a little facelift. As of next week, the interface will have a more modern look & feel along with a few functional enhancements.  

Below, you will find a before and after view to give you an idea of what’s to come:

Contractify design

Current Dashboard

New design

New Features

Document preview

Where before, you needed to download a document in order to read through it, now you will see a preview of it on the document page that will allow you to scroll through the entire document without having to download it.

Document details such as description and notes have moved to the next tab.

Task status

Instead of having to open a task to change its status, you will be able to do this directly from your list of tasks from now on.

Not using Contractify yet?

Here's a 14-day trial to test the new features for free!


9 articles in this category.